Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms
The True Travel Stories of Marci Darling
Travel My Darling! Make Magic!
From swimming in waterfalls amid ancient ruins in Mexico to fairy hunting amid the castles of Scotland; from chasing rainbows on the Isle of Skye to dancing on tabletops in Paris… travel gave me a treasure chest of stories that keep me warm when it’s cold outside. Travel heals me, inspires and ignites me, educates me, and flings the doors of my heart, soul, and mind wide open.

Travel My Darling! Make Magic!
From swimming in waterfalls amid ancient ruins in Mexico to fairy hunting amid the castles of Scotland; from chasing rainbows on the Isle of Skye to dancing on tabletops in Paris… travel gave me a treasure chest of stories that keep me warm when it’s cold outside. Travel heals me, inspires and ignites me, educates me, and flings the doors of my heart, soul, and mind wide open.
Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms is Marci Darling’s latest publication, a collection of nonfiction travel stories about her adventures with her true love/soulmate/best friend Kim Friedman.
This book allowed Marci to relive some of their most magical moments. Marci and Kim’s time together was filled with Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms…
Order your copies from Amazon
Michael Santulli
Amazon Review
I first read Marci’s posts on the Girls Love Travel facebook page and immediately fell in love with her vibrant stories about her travels. I bought her book as soon as it was released, and I’m so glad I did! Marci tells stories about her travels so vividly and in such a magical way. Great book and really made me want to travel and fall in love with life just as Marci has!
Amazon Review
Amazing book! Found about her from the Facebook group girls love travel and I’m OBSESSED. She’s such an amazing writer and woman, Love her traveling stories so much!! Gives me wanderlust!
Amazon Review
I loved reading this book. It inspired me to travel more and to write beautifully like Marci. Thanks, Marci.
Kayla M.
Amazon Review
Marci Darling is a captivating author. She has a magical way of expressing her stories that gives the reader a clear image of what happened. I first read her stories on a Facebook group, Girls Love Travel! When I found this book, I was hooked! She is a gem! Her writing is gold. Her personality shines through her words. Amazing!
Amazon Review
I first came across Marci Darling when I read one of her posts about her travel in the Facebook Group - Girls Love Travel. I was hooked after I discovered her and couldn't wait to read more about her travel stories! Marci is an excellent writer and I loved reading about her friendships and travel.
Melissa Berger
Amazon Review
What a beautiful, joyful book! A sweet treasure, memoir and tribute to a magical youth and very moving touchstone to adulthood. Highly recommend. It was a very fun read and full of life and love.
Victoria Costeau
Amazon Review
Unlike any travel book I've ever read! Marci Darling takes you along with her on her adventures as you see the world through her eyes. More than exotic locations, she has the most intoxicating way of seeing life as the greatest adventure of them all. Each story is filled with magic, humor, heartbreak, friendship and transcendance. I devoured every delightful word that tumbles onto the page and I couldn't put it down, but did not want it to end! Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms: The True Travel Stories of Marci Darling awakened my wanderlust and value traveling as more than an escape from life - but a leap into life!
Amazon Review
I love this book! I love the stories and the details. I love how it’s based mostly in the 90’s before cell phones and Google maps(how in the world did we ever get anywhere back then??). It made me smile, laugh aloud, made me cry and such an endearing treasure!! Thank You Marci Darling♥️
Peggy O'Toole
Amazon Review
Marci’s words take me to magical places in my own heart. Glitter sparkles and fairies dance as I travel the world with her. Bravo and thank you.
Elizabeth Nelson
Amazon Review
Marci Darling’s travel stories show just how powerful the word YES can be. She says yes to adventure no matter what her travel budget and finds magical moments everywhere. Her travel stories are weaved with her experiences of sheer joy and sometimes painful loss. Her journey will deepen your own experience and have you wanting to yell YES when offered an adventure!
Rikki Gelston
Amazon Review
In her signature whimsical, magical fashion blending hot pink feather boas, tours through castles and disappearing hotels, eating banana splits on a budget, and steamy summer romances afar, Marci takes you on journey after journey, leaving the reader with a growling tummy ready to devour the world! Marci introduced me to the magic of darkness in Divorce Diva and spinning gold out of garbage and she doesn’t disappoint in her tales of travels round the world. Be transported to another time, another place, preferably while soaking in a bubble bath for decadence or relaxation on a beach. You won’t be disappointed!
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