Love & Light
Marci Darling is a writer, filmmaker, speaker, teacher, educational consultant, performer, and M.O.M. (Monarch of Merriment) to two teenagers. She believes storytelling, art, and innovation are the keys to creating a world of unique thinkers and sparkling minds. She is passionate about boldly telling her own stories, as well as teaching and empowering others to do the same.
We do not escape into philosophy, psychology, and art--we go there to restore our shattered souls into whole ones.
Anais Nin
Marci Darling

Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms: The True Travel Stories of Marci Darling
Travel heals me, inspires and ignites me, educates me, and flings the doors of my heart, soul, and mind wide open. Travel My Darling! Make Magic!

Divorce Diva: Navigating Grief and Loss with Hope, Humor, and Chutzpah
Picture this: Marci Darling, Holly Golightly, and Zelda Fitzgerald stumble into Auntie Mame's bedroom, cocktails in hand, for an evening of dish and swish about their recent breakups. After a bit of tomfoolery, Divorce Diva is born, a nonfiction book about one woman’s journey from broken-hearted bubby to badass babe.
The Blog

As the World Turns.. Marci’s Life Continued to Implode
If life was a soap opera, and let’s be honest, it is, we might call it One Life to Live, unless you are dealing with

Sacred Spaces–My Mom
Speaking of Sacred Spaces …
I talk to her like I always did, telling her stories of Annabelle and Henry while she stares at

My Ted Talk on Processing Grief through Creativity is Finally Up!
My TED talk on grief…

Dear Adorable Ski Suit
Dear Adorable Ski Suit with Bunny Ears, I spotted you from across the store and everything else disappeared.
It was just you and me.

My Advanced Pretending Skills
If someone made a list of my skills, right at the top would be the one that makes me a favorite in the aged 3-10

A Wild Adventure in the French Quarter
Do you know that feeling when you find yourself in the middle of something you never thought would happen to you? Something so dangerous your
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