I had the strongest deja vu today! I was sitting on the back driveway with Annabelle and Henry and our 3-year-old neighbor, Maggie, and her 5-year-old brother, George, and their fabulous mother, Allison. George had been howling because he scraped his knee, and in an effort to redirect his attention, I mentioned the first thing that popped into my head. “George, have you seen the anteater at the zoo?” I know he loves animals. He stopped howling and stared at me for a minute, nodding. “Do you know how he eats ants? Does he suck them up his nose, like a vacuum?”
“He sticks his tongue out,” said Maggie. Allison said, “George why don’t you run inside and get you big book on animals?” George ran in and came back out with his animal encyclopedia. I had only been asking to distract him from his wounded knee, but now I was really curious. He found the anteater, and learned that it actually has a sticky two-foot-long tongue that flicks in and out of its mouth at the rate of 150 times a minute!!!!
What the hell!!!?!???
While reading this fascinating information, I had the strongest sense that I had experienced this moment before, dreamed about it years earlier. A wrinkle in time as they say? Is that what a deja vu is? It’s freaky, whatever it is.