Always an adventure!

OK, I elect two-year-old Henry as messiest toddler of the year. This afternoon, he was eating a chocolate ice cream cone which is only allowed in the kitchen. I saw him through the crack of the door toddling down the hall with his cone. I watched him drop it upside down, squat down to pick it up, but then change his mind and get down on all fours where he promptly began eating it like a puppy. I was brushing my teeth, so I continued, realizing I’d just have to clean it up in a minute. When I re-emerged, he said, “Mama, I’m ice skating!”
And he was. He was ice skating through a large patch of melted smooshed ice cream which now covered him from forehead to feet, including between his adorably pudgy toes. He has smeared chocolate ice cream all over the walls as his hands are covered in ice cream and he has to hang onto the wall for balance.
After I cleaned him and the hallway up, I stood in the bath putting Annabelle’s hair in a ponytail, when I heard a big ruckus outside the door. It turns out Henry has dumped a paper bag full of books onto the floor and comes stumbling into the bathroom with the bag on his head.
Never a dull moment!
In addition to entertaining us, Henry is our hero.
The other morning Annabelle saw a roach down near the front door. She came running back up to me and said, “Mama! Mama!! I saw a real cucuracha!! I feel like I ate butterflies!”
You have to understand that cockroaches are the bane of our existence. In New Orleans, they are the size of small ponies AND THEY FLY!!! I have an irrational fear of the critters. Something about them awakens a primal fear in me that sends me running to the other side of the house, and if I MUST deal with it, it turns into situations like, me throwing a heavy magazine from across the floor to land on the roach. (And yes, often when the magazine is later lifted by someone braver than me, the roach is usually gone. Houdini Critters!)
Henry was playing quietly by himself, but as soon as he heard Annabelle, he was off to the rescue. A few minutes later I heard him shout “I dot it mama!!”  “You got what?” I replied. “I dot the bug!”I ran down the stairs and sure enough he had killed this giant hard shelled prehistoric creature WITH ANNABELLE’S TINY PINK CROC that must weigh less than an ounce!! I have no idea how he did this. When George goes after roaches, (with great reluctance since he’s a pacifist, even when it comes to bugs), he uses his own giant shoe and smacks it about 10 times–or he chases it for an hour trying to catch it in a giant pot to throw outside. 
Not Henry, he used a tiny little pink shoe. This of course sent Annabelle into hysterics and I had to spray her shoe with antibacterial spray. 
Always an adventure around here! 

Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

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