A friend brought us cuttings of amazing purple irises today to plant, along with some compost. While George was planting them, Annabelle found a slug in the compost. “What should I name it, Mom? Sam or Elizabeth?””Hmmm, well, does it seem like a Sam or Elizabeth to you?””Sam,” she said, and she made a little house for it out of a seashell and a stick.She was very excited about her new pet, so when George took the pot of dirt to add to the plantings, she got very upset. “No Daddy!” she screamed. “That’s Sam!” George tried to explain that he needed the pot of composted dirt for the flowers but Annabelle was having none of it. Sam is still living in his pot in the dirt next to our porch. Even with his spectacular seashell house, we haven’t seen him again. Elusive slug…