Super Luxe Art Gallery on Newbury Street

Another magical day of treasure hunting for Glamour Girls in Boston.

I was walking down Newbury today—by the way it’s one of the most glamorous streets in the world for shopping—gorgeous historic architecture, amazing shops and restaurants, and it begins/ends with the most beautiful park in the city: the Boston Common. ANYHOO, I spotted a stunning piece of artwork through the window of an art gallery I had never noticed before. The piece was Greta Garbo as Mata Hari, one of my favorite most iconic images, as I have always been fascinated by both women: Greta and Mata.

Andy Warhol's Greta Garbo as Mata Hari
Andy Warhol’s Greta Garbo as Mata Hari

I popped inside with Coco. A thin man in glasses sat at a desk near the piece. I walked up close to it so I could view the details of the showstopping colors and so I could see the price. I would add this to my home immediately if the price was right.

It turned out the piece was an Andy Warhol and the price was “available upon request.” I asked the man, who’s name was Tom Gallagher, about the price. He said “$265,000.00” which I found quite hilarious. A completely absurd amount for a piece of art you can’t even live in, plus an odd amount—why not $250,000.00? Or as long as we’re shooting for the moon, $300,000.00–$265 seems so arbitrary. However, when Tom saw my face he assured me it was worth every penny because, not only was it an Andy Warhol, but that Warhol had covered it in several carats of diamond dust. Now I’m not sure how you can grind up diamonds, stick them to a canvas, and then charge extra for them—seems a bit of a sham—but I LOVE the idea of diamond dust, and I’m wishing the dust in my house was diamond dust. It would make everything so much more sparkly.

I gushed at the beauty of the piece, then noticed all the other stunning Warhols and Chagalls around it. I told Tom he was very lucky to spend all day surrounded by so much beauty. He said, and I’m not lying, “Life is a banquet Darling!” And I shouted back, “And most poor suckers are starving to death!” Any fan of Auntie Mame is top drawer in my book! Then Tom started singing some musical theater and his voice was beautiful! I asked him if he performed in musical theater. He said yes but wasn’t performing at the moment. But we were lucky enough to hear his angelic voice even for a few moments. Coco and I waved at him every time we passed his window on our shopping spree. He was magical!

And so was the art! We were at the Martin Lawrence Gallery at 77 Newbury Street in Boston. Check it out! (And ask for Tom Gallagher!)



Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

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