Leslie Zemeckis: Glamour Girl Proust Questionnaire

Glamour Girl Leslie Zemeckis, accomplished writer and documentarian, has just finished a book called Goddess of Love Incarnate, the Life of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr.

With a spectacular personal style, Leslie caught my eye when I saw photos of her posted by my friend, Cameron Silver. They were gallivanting around Naples at the stunning Dolce and Gabbana show this summer. I was thrilled when I learned she was a brilliant artist and literary lion illuminating important history otherwise forgotten. Burlesque Dancers! Tiger Tamers! Circus Performers!  The world is lucky to have her. She’s also really good at answering the Glamour Girl Proust Questionnaire.

Here it is:

What is your current state of mind? Laser focused – like being in a cage with 6 750 lb tigers. I need to pay attention to get out of there alive.

Name your top three fashion icons: Lisa Fonssagrives, Eartha Kitt, Rita Hayworth

Top three fashion movies: Gone With the Wind, Sunset Boulevard, Auntie Mame

Three books that changed your life: Behind the Burly Q (because it is mine and turned me into a published author) In Cold Blood, I Know This Much is True (Wally Lamb)

Favorite Old Movie Star with Best Personal Style: Gloria Swanson

Top five favorite shops worldwide: Virginia’s (London. I’ve an amazing collection of 20s dresses from her) Decades (Cameron’s found me amazing pieces), Neil Lane (my wedding ring is from him), Luisa Via Roma (Firenze), Jitrois in Paris (sexy)

If you’re alone in your closet, getting dressed to go out for martinis with your girlfriends, what music do you put on? Shirley Bassey – sexy and defiant

Favorite Handbag? Judith Leiber in the shape of a Russian Doll.

Favorite Shoes? That would be like picking my favorite child (currently obsessed with Sophia Webster – my flamingo shoes in particular)

What is your idea of happiness? A cocktail: 1 part work, 1 part love and equal parts play.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? I just keep on tickin’

What is your greatest fear? No time or inclination to consider that.

Which historical figure do you most admire? Apollonie Sabatier (a French courtesean who was muse to Baudelaire, Gautier, and Flaubert..She made something of her life at a time when women were not even allowed to have their own money or freedoms. She had a fab salon and encouraged artists)

What living person do you most admire? They are all dead.

What qualities do you appreciate most in your friends? Laughter

Favorite qualities in a man? Manners

Favorite qualities in a woman? Joie de vivre

What is your most treasured possession? Gypsy Rose Lee’s Louis Vuitton trunk

Your favorite prose authors? Irene Nemirovsky, Taylor Caldwell, Isabelle Allende

Your favorite poets? I don’t enjoy poetry.

Favorite Pandora Station: Never used it.

Favorite heroes/heroines in fiction? Harry Hole (in Jo Nesbo’s series. Harry is a sexy hot mess) Scarlett O’hara (she survives)

Favorite painters? Reginald Marsh, Tamara de Lempicka, Jonathan Green (a Gullah artist)

What is your favorite journey? To the champagne bucket

Natural talent you would like to be gifted with? Drawing

Favorite motto? Heels up!

Part 2: Sartorial Advice

When you are feeling your best, what do you like to wear? A really big fascinator.

When you are feeling your worst, what do you put on to feel better? An even bigger fascinator

Can you give your top three fashion tips/secrets?

You can never have too much makeup on

The higher the heel, the better the view


The perfect thinking cap while contemplating the Glamour Girl Proust Questionnaire

Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

2 Responses

  1. I adore this questionnaire!! Ms Zemeckis gives brilliant answers that inspired me!! What a clever fun way to see into someone’ s life! I love her sense of humor and I love the ‘Scarlett Ohara’ answer-she’s a survivor!!! Can’t wait to read more of these!!

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