Divorce Divas Unite!

I love writing meaningful quotes on index cards and taping them up around my house. My bathroom mirror is so full of inspirational quotes it’s nearly impossible to see myself! When people send me supportive messages or texts, I write them down and tape them up to remind myself, that when I’m feeling unlovable or like a failure or that all is lost and I’ll never recover.

I found this quote on Glennon Doyle’s Instagram and it rings with truth.

  1. I read “Believe patterns, not apologies” and said “Hallelujah Amen!” Because I am an honest person of unwavering integrity, I expect others to be the same. I am always so shocked when I learn someone is lying because I just don’t understand. It’s not in my own paradigm. So when the silver-tongued serpent whispers his lies, I have to look at his actions, his patterns, and know that there lies the truth. Not in hollow words.
  2. “Don’t fall in love with potential”! My goodness! How many of us do this? I would make up excuses for me ex, ‘Oh, well he’s bitter and mean-spirited to people because he’s stressed. He’ll be more kind when he’s less stressed.” Not true. People are who they are RIGHT NOW. Their core, their character, their ethics, their commitment to family, or non-commitment, is what it is.
  3. “Believe all red flags”. Um, yup…. so many red flags with my ex. Before we were even married, I caught him in a huge lie. For the entire two years of our passionate romantic intense dating, he had managed to hide from me the fact that he was deeply involved with another woman–a woman he told me was his ex, but he was actually seeing every day, started a business with, gave gifts to… when I found out, I said, “Totally cool. I don’t do liars, so you go your way, I’ll go mine.” He begged and begged me to come back, went to therapy, blamed it on his abusive childhood, and swore he would never lie again. Guess how many times over the past nineteen years I caught him in lies? And he never, ever came to me with the truth, I had to catch him red-handed, so who knows how many I don’t even know about.
  4. “Know your worth”. Absolutely 1000%. Just being a kind person who tries to never hurt other people gives me “worth”. I deserve to have a partner who adores me, cherishes me, tells me the truth no matter what, is loyal, has integrity, gets my sense of humor and makes me laugh my ass off.
  5. “Don’t lower your standards.” Nuff said.
Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

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