Divorce Diva Style

@thecheish on Twitter started a hilarious thread of birds who look twice-divorced. Check out these glamorous birds who do, indeed, look like they are twice divorced.

This one’s third husband disappeared under mysterious circumstances
Five husbands and counting
This one bears and uncanny resemblance to my ex’s Boston Divorce Attorney
Obviously been gaslighted into thinking SHE’s the crazy one
The ex-father-in-law who pretends to be nice but is secretly plotting to make the divorce end in his favor
Looks so much better since she got rid of the scoundrel
This cutie married a man who claimed to be a feminist. but lied, cheated, and was the worst kind of abusive misogynist–the kind that pretends to be a feminist!

All this talk of birds and feathers and Divorce Diva style led me to think about some other options for human divorcee’s:

If I was a Divorce Diva living in the Old West, this would be my outfit FOR SURE! Red satin cowboy hat, bonnet ribbons, crystal corset, and feathers galore!!
Divorce Diva Transformation and Metamorphosis
Subtle… Snore! Subtlety makes me snooze!! Go big!! or Go home!
Divorce Divas bloom and bloom big
“I just had to dump Husband #3 because he was dreadfully boring!”
Divorce Diva Dragon Hat–to guard and protect
Keep the glasses filled and negotiations will go much smoother.
The day after the divorce is final
Every divorcee needs a good thinking cap complete with stars
Divorce Diva
My favorite Divorce Diva sartorial ensembles often include tutus, sparkling boots, and giant pink flowers on my head… and if I can find some pink flowers to dance around, I do that too. And now looking at this photo, I actually do slightly resemble the bird with the pink belly.
Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

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