We have a new Grand Poobah of Dashing Divorcees and it’s…. drum roll please… Zsa Zsa Gabor!! Our Current Grand Poobah of Dashing Divorcees is Elizabeth Taylor with seven husbands and six divorces, but Zsa Zsa Gabor had even more marriages and divorces!
Zsa Zsa was married nine times and divorced seven, with one marriage lasting a whopping one day. (This one was annulled.) One of her love affairs was with the notorious international playboy Rubirosa, who was known for his long list of beautiful women, five wives, bedroom antics, but most of all, for his … how shall I say it… size… and I don’t mean the size of his feet. The legend of Rubirosa’s size has been compared to a large pepper grinder and a Navy torpedo and explains much of his appeal to so many beautiful women, one of which was our Dashing Divorcee Zsa Zsa. A hit Cuban song of the 1950’s was titled (in Spanish of course), “What have you got, Rubirosa?” Many waiters back in the day would ask their customers if they’d like pepper on their meal, then they’d say, “I’ll go get the Rubirosa.”
Zsa Zsa seemed to handle her marriages and divorces with humor and a cavalier attitude, and no matter how many times she made vows to love someone forever, only to have it all fall apart, she marched right back into the world and fell in love again. Funny, charming, epically glamorous, and a natural born wit, I’m letting Zsa Zsa do the talking about her own seven divorces.
Here are some of Zsa Zsa’s best quotes about love, marriage, and divorce:
“I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man, I keep his house.”
“You never really know a man until you have divorced him.”
“When I’m alone, I can sleep crossways in a bed without argument.”
“I never hated a man enough to give him his diamonds back.”
“I have learned that not diamonds, but divorce lawyers are a girl’s best friend.”
“I want a man who’s kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?”
“A girl must marry for love and keep on marrying until she finds it.”
“I know nothing about sex, because I was always married.”
“Every girl should be married at lease once in her life. It’s a must.”
Zsa Zsa is a Dashing Divorcee who epitomizes humor and chutzpah! May all divorcees sashay back into life with so much style and panache!