When you feel destroyed, create!

See that billboard behind me in Times Square? That billboard is ME! After a crushing year of losing my father to cancer, my marriage to infidelity, and my best friend to suicide, I didn’t know what to do, how to stand back up, or even how to keep breathing.

Because I felt so crushed, so destroyed, I started to create, all day every.

I painted my longing for strength, I danced my grief through my body, and I wrote, faster, harder, wilder…

I published three books in 2020. Because I needed to write something that delighted me, I finished my second mystery novel, The Champagne Scandal. Because I needed to write about my sacred grief journey, I wrote Divorce Diva, my personal stories of healing through love, light, and laughter through tears. Because I needed to write soulful healing stories about traveling with my best friend and finding my truth, I wrote Magic Carpets, Flying Ships, and Moonlit Kingdoms: The True Travel Stories of Marci Darling. This is not your ordinary book of travel stories. This one is about finding the magic in the smallest moments: climbing aboard a flying ship with patchwork sails with my best friend, swimming with ancient queens in the waterfalls in Mexico, and belly dancing on a magic carpet in Egypt that somehow healed my relationship with my mother.

Divorce Diva reached #1 on Amazon in Parenting and Family Humor and Inspiration, and my glamorous NYC book signing both happened in May 2021.

Writing my stories didn’t take away my grief, nothing can do that. But telling my stories gave me keys to transformation I didn’t know were there. Storytelling transformed me from “broken-hearted” to “broken-hearted badass.” When I share my grief, my power grows.

This is why I teach other women how to write their stories, so they too can step into their power. In my experience, I have found the best way to heal our world is to empower women to stand up and tell our sacred stories. We need women’s voices in the world. So when I teach my writing classes, it isn’t about just about writing. I teach how to tell the stories of your soul, stories of transformation and empowerment, stories to make people laugh, cry, and emerge changed after reading it. Whether you are writing for your business, ad copy, a book, or just yourself in a personal diary, there are writing tips and tricks that can make your writing shine.

I hope you will join me for my upcoming Diva Writing Workshop: 6 weeks of classes designed to empower you to write your story and step into your power, beginning in October.

For all details and to register, click on the Diva Writing Workshop Tab on the homepage. I hope to see you there!

Picture of Marci Darling

Marci Darling

I lie here on my pink puffy bed in my pink silky pajamas, or pink flannel depending on my mood (the only thing you can bank on is that there will be chocolate smeared somewhere on my attire), with my pink feathered pen, writing my most delicious daydreams. Funny? Sometimes. Scandalous? Hopefully. Inspiring? Perhaps. Full of love? Always. Welcome to my World.

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