The Shoe Solution
It’s quite surprising how euphoric a gorgeous pair of shoes can make me feel!
It’s quite surprising how euphoric a gorgeous pair of shoes can make me feel!
The Tomfoolery, Trash, and Twaddle that is the Divorce World
“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” Hemingway
We still dance on whirling stages in my Busby Berkeley Dreams
Patriarchy? Does the Patriarchy still exist, you ask? I’ll let you be the judge. So let’s start with the fact that I just finished house hunting and started wondering why the big bedroom in every house is called the “Master”. Why? Why isn’t it called
This morning I woke up to rain and went outside to drag in all my patio cushions, and the air smelled salty, like the sea, and I thought, “I really don’t want to be spending my time doing this. I want to be writing, baking,
Last summer I turned 50 and took my teenagers and my niece on my dream trip to Europe. So far, I have blogged about Venice, the Orient Express, and our road trip from Paris to Chateau Des Milandes in the Dordogne Region. At the end
It’s been a really tough couple of years for our family, between losing my father to cancer, my best friend to suicide, and my husband to one of those mid-life crisis meltdowns that tries annihilate the entire family. At a loss for how to survive
I woke up feeling blue. I stumbled through my usual routine: grateful list, brush teeth, comb hair, put on mascara, fold laundry from last night and start the next load, toddle downstairs for a cappuccino, water my flowers… As I was watering, I listened to
Right now, tonight, on this moonlit night, I am dreaming of trains, and specifically the luxury train to end all trains: the Orient Express. I took my teens last summer and we aspired to create our own Golden Age of Travel…