Spread the sparkles! Navigating life's storms with MOM (Monarch of Magic)Moonlit Balls, Seashell Crowns, and a Quest in Tulum
She is wearing a robe spun from shooting stars and I’m wearing a dress sewn from a sheet of rain.
I’ve Been Robbed Many Times While Traveling!
Of course I don’t enjoy being robbed, but as an adventuress, I have been robbed a few times, from waking up to some scalliwag trying to take my backpack out
Traveling in Tulum: Laughing Myself to Sleep
It was 1996, I was having a rough time working in Mexico City. I was belly dancing in Polanco and living above the Arabic nightclub. My best friend, Kim, came
I Played a Backpacker in a British Airways Commercial Before I Became One
I played a Backpacker in a Commercial Before I Became One
The Shoe Solution
It’s quite surprising how euphoric a gorgeous pair of shoes can make me feel!
Running of the Bulls and a Hemingway Fantasy
“I had missed the Running of the Bulls because I was brushing my teeth in a matador’s hotel room.”
The Queen’s Bath
I have never felt more like a queen than swimming in a waterfall in a jungle surrounded by ancient stones with my twin soul, who put her arms around me
Backpacking Adventures: Who Needs Chanel?
Still to this day, thirty years later, I smell Chanel No. 5 and I am transported back to that little room in Spain, to the exquisite lightness of being a
Backpacking Adventures: Monkey Business in Switzerland
We were visiting London on business, monkey business…
Backpacking Adventures: Lost in Italy, Found in a Field of Sunflowers
Lost in Italy, Found in a field of sunflowers