Spread the sparkles! Navigating life's storms with MOM (Monarch of Magic)Kindness on Airplanes
This random act of kindness from a stranger made me cry, and I still cry every time I read it. I turned and smiled at her, putting my hand on
Kim: Merchant of Marvels on the Ship of Dreams
She was the Merchant of Marvels on the Ship of Dreams, with a billowing rainbow sail in a warm starry sky and a velvet bag full of stars that she
Wish Fairy
Come Away, O Human Child, To the waters and the wilds, With a faery, hand-in-hand, for the world’s more full of weeping, than you can understand.
Barefoot and Beautiful–Belly Dance
Did you know belly dance has magical powers?
Can a Pair of Purple Velvet Boots With Upturned Toes Turn Pain into Humor? I say YES! (It’s Worth a Try, Right?)
Can a Pair of Purple Vevlet Boots iwth Upturned Toes turn Pain into Humor? I say YES! (It’s Worth a Try, Right?)
Stumbling Through Grief
In my grief, I have found it fascinating to read about the ways humans have processed grief throughout history. In ancient Ireland, there are tales of Banshees—ghost-like women who wailed
Stay In Your Lane!
Increase what you love: Release what you don’t… and Stay in your lane!
Unleash the Kraken!
“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” Joseph Campbell
Thoughts on my Revenge Body
Marci’s Declarations for the Perfect Revenge Body: Toned arms are out! Bat wings are in! Cellulite is gorgeous! Jiggly and Wiggly! I love it!