Spread the sparkles! Navigating life's storms with MOM (Monarch of Magic)Divorce Divas Unite!
I love writing meaningful quotes on index cards and taping them up around my house. My bathroom mirror is so full of inspirational quotes it’s nearly impossible to see myself!
How Coaching a 6th Grade Football Team Helped This Glamour Girl Cope with Death and Divorce
Get open and stay open, because that’s how the miracles happen.
Mud Pies and Treehouses… A Thing of the Past?
When I was a child, I walked home from school through Mr. Farley’s lush green apple orchards. A fresh crisp apple was the perfect tonic after a long day
My Beautiful Barbarians
This blog post is a combination of one I wrote in 2007, continued in 2013 and finished in 2019, although maybe I’ll add to it in another 6 years. My
Healing and Dealing with Grief and Trauma
I haven’t wanted to post because there’s just so much, so much deep tragedy and trauma in my life. I don’t want to write any of it down because I
Ten Best Hallucinations from my Beloved Parents
The other day my Dad woke up and said with a smile, “Marci, why did you spin our bed around and rearrange our room last night?” “I didn’t spin your
“Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd…
I just returned from another late night at the hospital with my Dad. He was agitated and distressed, and it turned out the only thing that soothed him was singing
How Abbott and Costello are Helping me Care for my Very Sick Father
So I just went out to help my Dad out of the car. He appeared to be talking on his phone, but when I got closer, I realized he was
Eleven Rules I Never Thought I’d Make at My House
Eleven Rules I never thought I’d make at my house: No dirty Navy songs at the dinner table. No gory stories to the children of missing limbs, bloody faces, missing
Adventures of a Glamour Girl Living in the Sandwich Generation
It’s going down for real! Last night at 1am, I was binge watching Grey’s Anatomy at 1am and happened to have my phone next to me. I have a Nest