Spread the sparkles! Navigating life's storms with MOM (Monarch of Magic)A Shimmer of Hummingbirds and the Hardware Store
Ecstatic whooping, chirping, buzzing… dancing in the sky like drunken sailors after a night of carousing, drunk on nectar, zipping to the sun, diving back to hover midair before dashing
Raising a Son
The boy has finally found a sport he likes. After years of trying football, basketball, and baseball, he tried Lacrosse a few weeks ago and has been happily running around
Grief and the Holidays
I’ve written before how death and divorce can make holidays especially piercing, seeing everyone with their loved ones when so many of mine are now gone.
This is the first
The Velvet Glove of Directing a Film
If directing a film is a bejeweled velvet glove, then I am Gypsy Rose Lee’s arm– because directing fits me like a glove!
I LOVE directing! It’s sacred storytelling,
Let the Filming BEGIN!
EEEEEEK!!! I’m so excited (and terrified) to announce …. (drum roll please) I’m heading to New Orleans this week to begin filming and the Kickstarter for my documentary is NOW
“You Must Move Through the World in a Way that Enchants You!”
“You must move through the world in a way that enchants you!”
Nita & Zita Documentary
Maybe their mystique grew because of their vintage glamour combined with their eccentric recluse years where they never left their house and painted it top to bottom with polka dots,
How Kerouac Taught Me to Love
“The only people that interest me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same
Grief: 15 Ways to Process Pain and Start to Heal
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final…
Ranier Maria Rilke
This is the quote on the handmade cards I’m
Who Knew a Speeding Ticket Could Turn Into Magic?
Best of all, I paid off my speeding ticket by performing, which makes me wonder, what magic is about to happen for me now? I am embracing the miracles all