Category: Humor

A Wild Adventure in the French Quarter

Do you know that feeling when you find yourself in the middle of something you never thought would happen to you? Something so dangerous your adrenaline storms your body so that your rational mind turns off and your instinct takes over?
That’s how I felt when I found myself in the middle of a high speed criminal chase in New Orleans the other day.

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Tragedy Jukebox

At any given moment, my brain is a tragedy jukebox, saying, “Hmmmm, which tragic moment shall we replay in elaborate detail for Marci right now?” Heart-shattering memories slice into my daily life with wild abandon, as I am forced to relive overwhelming loss. So I

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Looking for Miracles: On the Road with the Movie

It was quiet, with only the sound of the river. I have spent my life looking for miracles, so when Sharon and I were driving down the desert highway in New Mexico, with cell service long gone and our only entertainment the gallivanting tumbleweeds crossing

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Shoe Shopping

Oh Hello Darling! Where have you been all my life? In all your exquisite luminescent pink? Your delicate curving arch, like a quivering rainbow of invitations… I wasn’t looking for you, oh no. I was looking for a gorgeous storm-proof boot that could withstand slush,

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Learning to Love The Truly Dazzling World of Solitude

Conjure up a parliament in old England: a stately room of soaring ceilings, carved wooden chairs and podiums, colorful flags and the smell of lemon furniture polish and Old Spice wafting through the air, except in this room the scents change to freshly fallen leaves,

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Two Dresses and a Spinning Wheel

I spent this morning going through my closet, looking for two dresses: one to wear to a wedding and one to wear to a funeral. Sigh. This grand pageant of life can feel less than grand sometimes. I have a whole team of people I

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How did I end up at Harvard?

I guess the point is that, even now, a million years later, books are my Orient Express, my journey into the Sultan’s Palace, my feet slipped into the upturned toes of a genie’s slippers, and my three wishes involve more books, the kind that feel like catching magic by the tail and making it into a kite, the kind that change minds and nourish souls, and of course, living, passionately, wildly, softly, and always always always, living “by heart.”

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