Category: Inspiration

How Kerouac Taught Me to Love

“The only people that interest me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’”…

Which might explain my eclectic group of eccentric friends and why I was drawn into the theater and circus life, the type of life who attracts people who choose a life of freedom over a life of fancy cars and big houses…

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Grief: 15 Ways to Process Pain and Start to Heal

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final…
Ranier Maria Rilke
This is the quote on the handmade cards I’m giving my kids for for Christmas this year. I want them to remember, as tragedy and sorrow swirls around us, to allow themselves to feel everything, even the sharp and jagged edges of pain, to allow it in, let it change you, invite the pain in to teach its lessons. It hurts to lose people we love, and what can this brutal lesson teach us? I’m still learning myself, but I have noticed a deep and abiding compassion growing in me, forged in the fire of loss and pain, that urges me to show up for others who are in pain.

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Who Knew a Speeding Ticket Could Turn Into Magic?

Best of all, I paid off my speeding ticket by performing, which makes me wonder, what magic is about to happen for me now? I am embracing the miracles all around me now, and I can not wait to see what is around the corner. Who knew that a speeding ticket would forever change my life for the better? Who knew that I was speeding right into magic that night?

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Castles in France for the Mother of Dragons

As we checked out, we did a little Game of Thrones photo shoot in the empty rooms we walked through. Mind you, my kids are too young to watch it, so it was just me living my Mother of Dragons fantasy because I so resonate with the character: I feel like I’ve spent a long night in a fire, burning with grief and love and heartbreak, and now as the fire simmers down, I emerge, not burnt and weak, but stronger, braver, with my arms full of fierce baby dragons.

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Aloha Wanderwell

I recently came across this photo of Aloha Wanderwell, an explorer, vaudevillian, filmmaker… a female Indiana Jones. She is largely forgotten in today’s history books, even though her list of achievements is impressive in any century. Not only was she the first women to drive around the globe, she also was involved in a murder mystery.

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Ode to Joy: The Cello

Today, without knowing why, I found myself driving to the cello store, then hiking around my backyard forest with it in my arms. I sat down on an ancient rock and moved the bow across the strings until it finally started to fill the air with its sumptuous sensual tones. I wanted to play it by the fire and by the waterfall. I wanted to play for my pink flowers, dripping ferns, and fairy rocks. This time the cello didn’t make me weep, it made me laugh in delight and skip back down the hill.

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The Razor’s Edge

I want to preserve its lessons in my memory. Like others may have a sacred box to hold incense, exotic spices, or rubies, I have an exquisite little box in my soul that holds The Razor’s Edge. I am so grateful for the paths it opened up to me: reading the sacred Hindu books of India, the desire to travel, backpacking around Europe, going to school in Paris, and feeling like richest person in the world when I am sitting on a bench with a hot cappuccino in one hand and a book in the other.

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