Diva Writing Workshop

Dear Divas,

My Diva Writing Workshop is a Transformation journey using writing, dancing, life-changing reading assignments and sparkling repartee. We will do Timed Writing Prompts created to lead us deep into our soul! Every Monday is our class, every Thursday is Zoom Bohemian Night where we get to read our writings, drink champagne and talk about what we’re reading.

And why do we dance as part of a Transformation and Writing Workshop? Dance is my Axis Mundi, my connection between heaven and earth. Dance gets us out of our heads and into the deep wisdom of our bodies. The moment I swing my hips, I step into my power. I feel fearless, bold, and ready to take on anything. Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself and let me know how it goes.

What do you want your story to be? It is time to step into your power, make your voice heard. Be loud! Be Fearless! Take up space!

At the end of six weeks you can opt to publish your finished story in my next book of collected essays, Distinguished Divas! I believe the world needs to hear more women’s stories. It’s time to be bold and make your voice heard!

And why choose me as your writing teacher?

I believe all of life is made up of the stories we tell ourselves, so why not make it a story about empowerment, rising from the ashes, and honoring our souls while making the world laugh? Three years ago, my life imploded when I lost my father to cancer, my marriage to infidelity and addiction, and my best friend to suicide. It took a long time, but I was able to rise out of my searing bone-burning grief with hope, humor, and chutzpah, and I want to share the things I discovered along the way with you.

I also have writing degrees from UCLA (BA), Harvard (Masters), and Stanford (Novel-Writing Certificate) and I’ve published three books and written for numerous publications.

Best of all, I believe in YOU. The world needs your story of taking your power and unleashing it into the world like a golden waterfall of light!!!

Let’s do this!! Come dance with me! Come write with me! Let’s live at our optimal potential!

Logistics: All meetings, Bohemian Nights, writing prompts, and dance parties over the six weeks will take place on Zoom at the GoddessLife Sisterhood and will be recorded, so you can work within your own schedule from any time zone. I will personally be editing and advising you on your story. After you register, you are in, and a few days before class begins, you will be sent a link with your secret mission directions and the syllabus.

The price for all 6 weeks? $300.

Hourly Schedule


8:00 - 9:00
Writing Lecture
Learn to write a powerful story with weekly readings by brilliant writers, writing tools and secrets, and timed writing prompts.


8:00 - 9:00
Bohemian Night
Conversation on Books, Truth, Love, Beauty, and Student Readings.


Apr 12 2021 - May 17 2021


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

