College of Charleston — The Nita & Zita Project
If you live near Charleston, you can see The Nita & Zita Project next week (without me) hosted by the Charleston Jewish Film Fest.
Upcoming Piccolo Spoleto movie event:
Tue, Jun 4 at 6pm
CofC Ed Center, 25 St Philip St, Room 118
Advance tickets $10 at https://bit.ly/ps24nitazita
An extraordinary tale! Meet Nita & Zita, outsider artists who blazed a trail to international stardom, and then became eccentric recluses, weaving their mythology into the very fabric of New Orleans. Follow two Jewish immigrants on the fringes of society, burlesque dancers, and trailblazers.This documentary has it all… mystery, intrigue, glamour, stardom, poverty, loneliness, and most of all, the extraordinary love and devotion of sisters.