Diva Writing Workshop

Dear Divas,

My Creative Writing Class is like no other! Sparkling repartee! Writing Prompts created to lead us deep into our soul! Transformative and Hilarious Reading Assignments! Bohemian Night Zoom Time with Books. Beauty, Truth, Love, Beauty, and Writing! At the end of six weeks, you will have a TRANSFORMATION story you can keep for yourself or choose to publish!! WHAT?? It’s true.

We are made of stories, and in this workshop, we write them down. Imagine you are on your deathbed, and your granddaughter comes to you and wants to know your story. What do you want your story to be? It is time to be loud! Be Fearless! Take up space!

At the end of six weeks you can opt to publish your finished story in my next book of collected essays, Distinguished Divas! I believe the world needs to hear more women’s stories. It’s time to be bold and make your voice heard!

And why choose me as your writing teacher?

Three years ago, my life imploded when I lost my father to cancer, my marriage to infidelity and addiction, and my best friend to suicide. It took a long time, but I was able to rise out of my searing, bone-burning grief with hope, humor, and chutzpah, and I want to share the things I discovered along the way with you. I have a Masters degree from Harvard, a BA from UCLA and a Certificate in Novel Writing from Stanford. I have published three books and written for several different newspapers and magazines.

Best of all, I believe in YOU. The world needs your story of taking your power and unleashing it into the world like a golden waterfall of light!!! Be bold!! Take up space! ! Let’s do this!!

Come dance with me! Come write with me!

Logistics: We meet every Monday night for a one hour lecture on how to write your story and every Thursday night is Bohemian Night where we pour ourselves a cocktail and tell stories, talk books and writing and ask questions. Belly Dance and Journaling for Transformation is offered twice a week, with a Writing Prompt. All events take place on Zoom at the GoddessLife Sisterhood and are recorded, so you can work within your own schedule from any time zone. All of these events are offered as a way to enhance and enrich your writing. Attend whatever you can, participate on your own time, but in order to complete your story and get the most out of this course, you do need to commit to writing and meet your story deadlines. (First draft due Week 3, Revised Draft due Week 5) I will advise you on revisions and make suggestions.

The price for all 6 weeks? $250! There will be a separate charge of $120 if you choose to publish, to pay for copy editing, cover art, formatting, print costs, etc. After you register, you are in, and on April 5, you will be sent a link and your secret mission directions to our own private online island.

The Workshop Ticket ticket sales has ended!


Feb 01 2021 - Mar 14 2021


EST (GMT -5)
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

